Bathroom Project 2018

OK, so this is not a woodworking project, but due to the sheer scale of this particular project, I really wanted to add it to the site. We bought a house at the tail end of 2017 and it was a pretty major do-er up-er and one of the first things we needed to sort…

Bird Feeder Armchair Project

My dad recently asked me if I wanted to make a new bird table for my mum’s birthday, as their one had rotted through. Although I would have loved to make a bird table, unfortunately I just didn’t have enough time to do a relatively big project and so instead I decided to buy a…

Play-House Bed Project

With Olivia growing up fast we’d known for a while that she would soon need a full-size bed. When we first asked her what type of bed she wanted, we showed her some pictures of children’s beds, and this included a few of the play-house variety where the bed is raised off the floor, with…

Garden Planter Project

It was my mum’s birthday in June and I needed a gift idea. She’s typically quite easy to buy for (Candles, chocolates, flowers, any of the above normally goes down pretty well), but this year she was a lot more vague about what she wanted and all she really said was “Oh I don’t know…a…

Calibron 12 Puzzle Project

Well that year sure did fly by fast…another Christmas, and another wooden puzzle for my bro. Frustratingly I didn’t actually manage to get into my garage at any other time this year, so this Christmas’ puzzle gave me a good excuse. However, as always time was against me I needed something fast to make yet…

Just Fit Puzzle Project

With another Christmas looming, it was time to get my head down and think about my annual wooden puzzle project to give to my brother as a Christmas gift. Each year I try to create a puzzle for him which I hope will have him totally stumped, and yet each year he seems to solve…

Marshmallow Crossbow Project

This project was entirely inspired by Steve Ramsey’s Wood Working for Mere Mortals YouTube channel. I’m really fond of some of the smaller wackier projects which Steve shows on his channel and I often get a lot of ideas from him. This particular project is a crossbow (pretty cool!) which fires small marshmallows (even cooler!)….

The Shed Door Project

My dad recently asked if I could build a new door and frame for one of his sheds. The shed is built into the side out the house. Both the door and door frame had seen better days and were pretty rotten, so it all needed to be replaced, however because the door was very…

Hall Stand Project

I’ve been doing woodwork as a hobby now for a number of years. I’m not a professional and all of my knowledge has come from reading lots of books and watching lots of internet videos. Slowly but surely I have built up a working knowledge and also a small arsenal of tools. My first serious…

Olivia’s Table and Chair Project

With my daughter Olivia getting bigger and more grown-up with every passing month we decided that she could do with having her own table and chair to sit at. She could then use it for eating meals, drawing, painting and playing games etc rather than having to use a high chair all the time. Although…

Bridges of Xibalba

It seems to have become almost a Christmas family tradition now, but for the last few years I have made a wooden puzzle for my brother as a Christmas present. There are two main reasons for this; first because I never really know what to get him, and second because I really like making stuff…

House Number Project

We’ve been living in our house now for over 4 years, and in all that time the house has been without an actual house number anywhere in site. People trying to find our house have had to rely on looking at the neighbour’s house to figure out what number we are. So I’ve been promising…

The Rocking Horse Project

I’ve had a couple of pdf files sitting on my computer’s desktop for a really long time, which contain the plans for a simple child’s rocking horse woodworking project. I initially downloaded them from a site called (an American woodworking magazine) back when I was first getting into woodworking. However, I didn’t know anyone…

The Cot Project

Back in February this year, knowing I was going to become a daddy pretty soon, I decided that I wanted to build a good quality, solid cot for my soon-to-arrive baby. At the time I still had a good 7 months before the due date and figured I’d have plenty of time to complete the…